"for wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;"

Proverbs 2:10 (ESV)




The next Connect date is the 15th of March at 6 pm.
This is for all those wanting to know more about Lighthouse Church or those who want to become members.

Lighthouse School of Ministry

Basic Biblical Foundations

This class not only teaches the basics of Christian doctrine and what we believe, but also a great part of the culture of the church. Here basic questions like what is faith, grace and forgiveness are answered.

This is a 7-week program on Tuesday evenings, starting from 24 January 2023.

Basic Ministry Training

This course aims to reveal God’s plan and purpose in your life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are thoroughly explored and as the material is worked through, our natural gifting and passions are revealed.

This is a 5-week program on Tuesday evenings, starting from 23 January 2023.

Introduction to Prayer

Introduction to prayer is the basic introduction to prayer and an effective prayer life. The is a very practical
class that encourages us all to pray.

This is a 4-week program on Tuesday evenings, starting from 23 January 2023.

Marriage Course

This is for all couples, married or those who are engaged to be married. It’s not only for when your marriage is in trouble, but for a great time of enriching your relationship.

This is a 2-week program on Tuesday evenings, starting from 24 January 2023.

Thank You

We have received your form and will get in touch soon.

Be The Difference

We believe that you have a dream deep inside your heart and that God put that dream there not for our glory, but for His.

A boy took 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish to Jesus. He took what he had and Jesus multiplied it and fed thousands of people.

God will use whatever you give Him (even though it seems too little in your own eyes) and multiply it for His glory.

Start with what you’ve got…


Complete this form to indicate where you want to put your hands to the plough.